While I was keeping my eyes to my third grade students in doing Sholat Dhuha at Masjid Al Baitul Muharram Karanganom, suddenly Mrs. Choiriyati, she is my colleague at school, called me, she told me that she and I was called by Mr. Headmaster. Oh My God, what's goin on! Because I didn't feel that I was doing any mistake, so I was calm and OK I would be there to Mr. Headmaster's office.
Mrs. Choir: Kenapa ya bu?
I thought and tried to recall what I have been doing with her. And I thought it was just one thing: Scholarship!
Me: Beasiswa?
Mrs. Choir: Eh, iya ya dik. Amiin ya Allah. Jangan-jangan....
Me: Hihi, sebentar bu tak sholat dulu, tak sholat sik ya bu...
Then, she went away back to school. I was still at Masjid. The students has finished so it's time for me to Sholat Dhuha by my self.
I prayed in my heart: Ya Allah, please it's positive thing, about our scholarship.
Sholat Dhuha was done.
I went back to school, and Mrs. Choir waited on me in the school living room.
Still tried to manage my mind and heart to react normally till I met Mr. Headmaster in his room.
We sat in the chair in front of his table. He opened the subject with fun, then to the main subject, seriously it was about scholarship!!! Scholarship you know! Oh God! He told us that only two persons from Klaten Regency who got the Master Degree Scholarship from Religion Ministry of Indonesia, and those were us! Mrs. Choir and ME! Alhamdulillah ya Allah, unlimited thanks I send to You, My Allah SWT.
I smiled widely in front him then I thanked him so much for the information. He told us to go to Mapenda's Office next Monday. But I think it was not really necessary, because I opened the Kemenag site and I found the way, the requirements to withdraw the scholarship and the list of people in all over Indonesia who got it. It's included Mrs. Choir's and my name.
My name is in Lampiran 2 |
Mrs. Choir is in Lampiran 3 |
Alhamdulillah ya Allah...
Thanks to:
Allah SWT,
Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia especially Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam,
Staffs at Post Office who has delivered my application,
And My School.
PS. I only told it to my parents, my one and only trustee friend out there, my sister @KurniaW_Giiy who got the news from my parents, and YOU who read this post, till now. I'm sorry my Bebeb, I haven't tell you yet. I'll tell you later, I wish you won't angry if you read it :)