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Akhir-akhir ini gue lagi senang mendengarkan lagu nya The Kooks, terutama yang judulnya Naive. The Kooks itu band asal Brighton, England yang beranggotakan 4 orang, aksen British mereka sangat kental (klik aja ini kalo mau lebih jelas). Lagu dengan judul Naive ini sebenarnya sudah gue punya sejak tahun 2008 beserta lagu lainnya di album Inside In/Inside Out. Padahal lagunya sendiri sudah berkeliaran di radio ataupun telinga anak muda di British sana sejak tahun 2006.
Kenapa akhir-akhir ini gue suka dengerin nih lagu ataupun The Kooks? Jawabannya adalah Kenapa why selalu always tidak pernah never? karena because itu that!!!! hehehehehehehehe, Karena setelah gue stalked stalked ke profile FB nya si Aleks Vrteski (yang pertama dan yang tidak bisa di search, bukan FB dia yang kedua yang dia buat setelah ditanya para fans nya via twitter mana FB-nya, tapi gue selalu tau kalo FB pertama dia tetep on line-in untuk teman-teman ataupun sodaranya yang di Aussie sonoh, walaupun dia juga nurut waktu gue minta twitter dia di synchronize in aja ma FB nya yang gue tau yang ke dua, biar dia gak perlu update status di FB, ahh tetep aja gue tau kalo itu bukan FB dia yang pertama), di bagian Music dia menyukai The Kooks!!!
Untuk ukuran pemaen sepak bola, gue cukup takjub bisa-bisanya dia tau The Kooks!!! (salah satu pertanyaan yang bakalan gue tanyakan, andaikata gue ketemu dia di salah satu foodcourt di mall yang ada di Solo, atau di mana sajalah asal ketemu dia). The Kooks itu cukup terkenal di UK and Ireland, tapi susah untuk dikenali jika mereka di US. Entah bagaimana ceritanya, ternyata eh tenyata The Kooks itu bisa dikenali jika mereka ke Aussie, dengan certificate Gold for the sale of their first album with major label! Maybe that's why, mamas Aleks knows them! (By the way, mamas Aleks itu is not only Australian, he's also a Macedonian! I didn't know, where the hell Macedonia was in the Earth!!! I never learn it though I was in a Social Class when I was in a high school ,then I know it by Google of course, Macedonia itu deket-deket ma Greek a.k.a Yunani! What! Wow! Pantes rambutnya item, namanya pake ski ski). It means, mamas Aleks itu bisa dibilang sangat gaul (gue mau jadi temennya, tapi dia terlalu tinggi badannya untuk jadi temen gue di dunia nyata, 6 feet 4 inch and a half!!! Ntar gue disangka anak pungut nya lagi!!!) Gue bisa get along well with someone kalo dia punya selera telinga kayak gue!!! Gue rasa kalo mamas Aleks tau The Kooks yang mana band Indie nya UK, pasti playlist di iPhone atau iPod nya keren-keren! (juga pertanyaan yang bakalan gue tanyain kalo ketemu dia entah di mana).
Back to the title, kenapa gue milih Naive dari puluhan lagunya The Kooks yang ada? Karena Naive itu sudah sangat familiar, terutama di telinga gue. Lagu ini ada di closing film 17 Again yang main Zac Efron ma Sterling Knight. Lily Allen juga nyanyiin lagu ini, untuk Lily Allen's version ada di Soundtrack film Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging (British teenage's movie! with a very strong accent) yang maen Aaron Johnson. Pengen tau lagunya nih:
The Kooks - original version
And the Lyric!
Although you could have done more
Oh you're so naive yet so
How could this been done
By such a smiling sweetheart.
Ohh and your sweet and pretty face
In such an ugly world
Something so beautiful.
Ohh that every time I look inside
I know, she knows that i'm not fond of asking
True or false, it may be... Well, she's still out to get me.
And I know, she knows that i'm not fond of asking
True or false, it may be... She's still out to get me!
I may say it was your fault
Because i know you could have done more
Oh you're so naive yet so
How could this be done
By such a smiling sweetheart.
Ohh and your sweet and pretty face
In such an ugly world
Something so beautiful.
That every time I look inside
I know, she knows that i'm not fond of asking
True or false, it may be... Well, she's still out to get me.
And I know, she knows that i'm not fond of asking
True or false, it may be... She's still out to get me!
So how could this be done
By such a smiling sweetheart
You're so naive yet so
You're such an ugly thing
For someone so beautiful
That every time you're on his side
I know, she knows that i'm not fond of asking
True or false, it may be... Well, she's still out to get me.
And I know, she knows that i'm not fond of asking
True or false, it may be... She's still out to get me!
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to your kite
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to your kite
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to this kite
Just don't let me down
>>>just listen to it! I just love the accent both of them.
lagu ini selalu masuk recently played i tunes gue! Yg versi the Kooks pun yg Lily Allen, cup, cup, muah!
ReplyDeletewuahhhh mangstabbbb!!!! teteh gaul ya.... :)